International Adventure Racing Association Logo Competition

Press Release / 23.01.2024
IARA is seeking a logo design
IARA is seeking a logo design

The International Adventure Racing Association (IARA) is in need of a logo and is asking creative members of the adventure racing community to submit designs. [Please share this post.]

An interim committee for the new association was voted in at the beginning of December 2023 and they are moving forward in creating a visual presence for the organisation.

As the association was formed and is supported by the national Adventure Racing organisations and active countries, the committee feels that it is only right that the organisation’s logo comes from its community, from the people who best understand the sport of Adventure Racing.

The global network of adventure racers is sure to contain many creative people, and the committee is calling on them to create a logo that represents and conveys the spirit of the sport.

Be part of the history of the International Adventure Racing Association by putting your creativity, design skills and understanding of Adventure Racing to the task of creating the organisation’s logo.

Due date for submissions is Wednesday, 31 January 2024 by 12h00 GMT.

Please include a description about your design and its elements.

Entries can be emailed to

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