Montane Adventure Race

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Montane Aventure Race is Looking for Untouched Treasures in Southern Denmark

Press Release / 31.07.2021See All Event Posts Follow Event
The start of the Montane Adventure Race
The start of the Montane Adventure Race / © Montane Adventure Race

Saturday 31 July marks the start of one of Denmark's toughest sporting events, when the participants in the adventure race Montane Adventure Race take on mental and physical challenges around Præstø Fjord, Faxe Kalk & Næstved forests.

They have to climb down silos, they have to row a kayak in beautiful surroundings of Southern Denmark, and they have to orientate themselves in densely vegetated forests, some of which will be challenged by the dark hours.

On 31 July, the beautiful natural surroundings form the setting for one of Denmark's largest Adventure Race, the Montane Adventure Race. About 200 top-trained Danish and international participants set course for South Zealand, where, among other things. compete in the prehistoric landscape around Præstø Fjord, Faxe Kalk & Næstved forests.

The teams distributed over the race's 3 distances. In addition to the "king distance" also called the Master which is expected to take 16 hours plus, two shorter distances are also offered; the middle distance (Challenge) has an expected winning time of 8 hours and the shortest distance (Fighter) of 4 hours, where families and exercisers participate. The race is carried out non-stop, in teams of 2 or 3 people, where the team must be gathered all the way and find their way with a map and compass.

The race is a team race where orienteering, running, mountain biking, clearing and kayaking are the main ingredients. The participants must thus be able to cooperate as a team under mental and physical pressure from the route and nature.

The start is from Idrætshøjskolen Bosei at 08.30.

Read more Montane Adventure Race at:

Lars Bukkehave, who is the main man behind the Montane Adventure Race.

Lars Bukkehave

Tlf: +45 26 79 84 21



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