Cape Wrath Ultra

  • UK (GBR)
  • Off-Road Running

The Longest Day at the Cape Wrath Ultra

Press Release / 25.05.2024See All Event Posts Follow Event
New race leader Danny Smith
New race leader Danny Smith / © No Limits Photography

An eight-day, 400km race through the Scottish Highlands offers plenty of scope for changes in position throughout the field, and that’s proved to be the case at the 2024 Cape Wrath Ultra.

Day six was the longest of the event at 73km and ended with another new leader. Ludwig Antilli started the day in first, but sustained an injury. Although he battled on and showed great resilience to make it to camp before the cut-off time, the race is now headed by Danny Smith, 40 minutes ahead of Henry Gurney, with Adam Watkin moving up into third. The top three in the women’s race remain unchanged. Elsa Morgan is still in first, an hour ahead of Bridget Glaister, and then Charlotte Hurst.

Danny was delighted to take the lead, and by the incredible landscape of Assynt: “I’m high as a kite! I just got in the zone along the rivers. It was stunning scenery and when you came over through the gap to see the loch and saw Suilven – wow! That last bit was absolutely incredible.”

Elsa Morgan is performing brilliantly in her first multi-day race and commented: “It’s my first multi-day and the first time I’ve camped since doing the Duke of Edinburgh Award at school when it rained so much it almost put me off for life. I just thought – I like Scotland, so why not? It’s a tough course! We’ve had a mixture of all types of weather!”

Of 172 starters, 63 remain in the full race.

After six days, the race standings are:


  1. Danny Smith (39:18:51)
  2. Henry Gurney (39:58:03)
  3. Adam Watkins (42:06:51)


  1. Elsa Morgan (44:56:02)
  2. Bridget Glaister (45:56:40)
  3. Charlotte Hurst (49:11:00).
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