ITERA Expedition Race

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Going From Ben to Bike

Adam Rose / 17.08.2022See All Event Posts Follow Event
/ © Adam Rose

A quick update: Team Racing Denmark did the Ben Nevis trek in 11hrs, just before 7pm. That's 2hrs faster than the best predicted time. Endurancelife AR got into TA 1.5hrs later, followed by current 3rd placed Team EnduranceLife 1.25hrs after them.

The podium contending Poles of Adventure Trophy have done a fantastic job through the trek, almost catching up to Team Endurancelife at the Kinlochleven TA, despite the MASSIVE extra biking to get CP19, and hitting the previous TA 2hrs after Team EnduranceLife. Machines! How much sleep have they had since Strontian? 

Meanwhile, Sweco has been moving steadily, and are roughly 2hrs from Kinlochleven right now. 

There are 12 teams at the TA, either on the via ferrata 'trouser filler', or resting in the TA itself. This short stage has a specified *minimum* time of 50 mins, which should be a welcome respite from race pace, and teams can do it before or after the TA itself.

For the short course teams, it's a mixed bag. Some have arrived via the West Highland Way from the west, either missing the summit of Ben Nevis itself, or skipping CPs to take the gentler route into TA, while a few teams have tackled the full stage with gusto. Chief of these must be Karmquest who arrived first into TA just after 5pm, with Team W.I.C.K-ed an hour later.

All teams that headed east off the summit via the Carn Mor Dearg peak have followed the recommended line, collecting CPs 23, 24 and 25, since there wasn't a reasonable option to shortcut anywhere. There also doesn't seem to have been much of a time difference between those who took the official short course vs those getting all the CPS, first from the west being Rebel Talent, shortly after 6pm.

The upcoming MTB stage looks interesting, since its linear design leaves very little room for a shortcut. All teams intending to reach the final TA for the kayak will need to hit every CP. Those running late might be forced to cycle straight to Oban at various points, one being from the orienteering TA if not complete by 3am Friday.

Finally, keep those full course teams right at the back of the field in your thoughts. Love to Portage are about to reach the Auctionmart TA, followed by Rootstock Racing. How long will they rest before tackling Ben Nevis at night? And most of all, how about RAF Team in the lantern rouge, still battling onward at a much slower pace, most way down Lochy Loch. Shortly after CP19, these 3 teams were very close, possibly within eyesight of each other, but the grind has really taken a toll on RAF. But still moving. Even if they take a couple of hours at TA, they could still make the 3am cutoff to ascend the Ledge Route scramble.


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