World Pentathlon Congress Removes Adventure Racing from Obstacle Merger ... but the Fight is not over

Rob Howard / 19.11.2024
Pentathlon Congress Removes 'adventure racing' from proposed UIPM sports
Pentathlon Congress Removes 'adventure racing' from proposed UIPM sports

There is good news and bad news in the fight for adventure racing to remain an independent sport, under the governance of the International Adventure Racing Association (IARA).  This was established, and is supported, by ALL active adventure racing associations and countries, and by the Adventure Racing World Series.

Despite this World Obstacle (FISO) continues to claim governance of a sport which does not want them, and is in the process of a proposed merger with World Pentathlon (UIPM).

This led to a motion at last weekend’s UIPM Congress to adopt Obstacle sports under Pentathlon ... and adventure racing was included as a standalone discipline of Obstacle. 

The GOOD NEWS is that the #ARsaysNO campaign by IARA, which included a petition signed by 1200 racers from 49 countries, was heard, and ‘adventure racing’ was removed from the motion. 

This came after a request from the floor to remove adventure racing, which had enough support to force a change.   

THANK YOU to the National Federations of World Pentathlon for listening to the voice of adventure racing!

For the delegates at the congress of an IOC sport to support adventure racing and say clearly that it has no place as a UIPM sport is encouraging and you might think fairness and justice won the day ... but it’s never that easy.

The BAD NEWS is that all definitions of Obstacle standalone disciplines were taken out (Ninja and Obstacle were included with adventure racing ... because they are so obviously similar) BUT the motion that was subsequently passed STILL said UIPM Sports will include ‘the standalone disciplines of Obstacle Sport’.

By taking out the definition the experienced politicians running the congress met the demand to remove the words adventure racing ... but nothing changed!   That’s because World Obstacle still claims adventure racing as an ‘obstacle sport’ and if the merger goes ahead they will still include adventure racing.

It was a clever side-step, and a tactical win for UIPM/FISO.  Until World Obstacle gives up any claims on adventure racing the sport is not safe.

This was the statement in the UIPM press release after the congress.

“The UIPM 2024 Congress approved the creation of a new Obstacle Commission to ensure that Obstacle sport is adequately developed and commercially exploited. UIPM Statutes were also rewritten in respect of Obstacle, namely article 2.3:

‘UIPM Sports’ encompass Modern Pentathlon and every combination of its disciplines outlined in article 2.2, as well as obstacle sport.. This includes Tetrathlon (and four disciplines), Triathle (swimming, laser run or any three disciplines), Obstacle Laser Run, Biathle (continuous run/swim), Laser Run (a combined event of running and laser shooting), and standalone disciplines of Obstacle sport.”

As part of the campaign leading up to the congress vote, AR associations and representatives have been in touch with both FISO and UIPM national associations, and guess what?  Most of them know nothing about adventure racing and have no idea why it is included with Obstacle Sports.  (Why should they?  It’s nonsense.)

Insiders say the merger of Obstacle and Pentathlon is a disaster and the Obstacle federations were promised consultation before it went ahead, then taken by surprise by the motion at the UIPM Congress. 

They are not happy that their sport is being absorbed into Pentathlon without fully consulting them.  That sounds familiar ... has anyone tried it with your sport?

And they must be overjoyed to read that UIPM intends to “commercially exploit” obstacle.

Adventure racing is a small sport but it is a strong community and can stand up to these predatory organisations.  It’s a relief that that the Adventure Racing World Championships starts soon in Ecuador and we can all focus on what we like doing best again, but Adventure Racing must still say NO to World Obstacle and World Pentathlon.

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