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Caught out by the Dark?

Rob / 14.10.2002See All Event Posts Follow Event

Now, it’s the charge of Brit Bridgade! The mere mention by Nasty Steve that the 2 UK teams lower down the field might be short-coursed was enough to trigger a headlong rush up the field. Again it looks like the Mtb ride was a good one for the UK teams – we may not be use to jungles, but muddy bike rides are OK. But is it too little too late?

Information coming out from the race is understandably limited, for much of the time the race staff have no idea where the teams are, but it does look like a cut-off threatens the 2 gallant British teams. Both have now reached CP4, the end of the biking and the start of kayaking, but there is a dark zone here and teams are not allowed on the water after 3pm. The only (unofficial) news we have of the first cut-off is that it’s 9am Tuesday morning at CP5 and if they don’t get there it’s an instant DQ.

The horrible truth is that both arrived at CP4 in the evening after the dark zone was enforced, and if they wait to go back on the river at sunrise they won’t make the cut off at the next stop. It sounds like their only hope is to trek upriver overnight, pulling the boats in a desperate bit to make the cut-off. According to the leaderboard (and they are not always right as we know only too well!) A-Tek left PC4 at 08.45pm so presumably that’s what they are doing. But XL-Lupus UK are shown into CP4 at 3.14 pm and at the time of writing have not left.

Ed. A later report from another source put the CP5 cut off at 13.00 Weds. This would make more sense otherwise half the field would be disqualified early in the race. And it\'s much better news for the British teams!

Go Go Brazil!

Further up the field Montrail/Parallax have gained a couple of hours as the leaders rappelled up a spectacular rock face high over the forest canopy on day 4. They are keeping the American flag flying with a very international field chasing them, including 3 European teams and surprise package Mazda of S. Africa. Another surprise is the Brazilian showing – they’ve got 3 teams in the top 30 and two in the top 13, but then they can train for a jungle race. Sometimes we have so much expectation for our own teams we forget our mild climate and green and pleasant land offers no chance to train in extreme terrains and temperatures.

Not surprisingly some extraordinary stories are coming out as the race progresses. It seems Nokia and Mazda risked losing time by politely accepting an invitation to dine in a village house, and over ‘lunch’ Nokia told their rivals the number from one of the ‘tikas’ they had missed. Vital information to progress on the course.

Thunderbirds are Go

There have naturally already been retirements and emergencies and any wives and husbands of the UK teams of a nervous disposition should look away now! It seems the Fijian team were not so much disqualified as retired injured which is a great shame. Fijian racer Tuivuya lost control of his bike, fell 6 feet off a bridge, broke his right ankle and was flown out to hospital. Other medical emergencies have included Canadian Dave Zietsma having his wedding ring cut off after an sustaining bamboo cuts and the evacuation of Cindy Coppola when she was bitten (perhaps by an eel) and went into shock. The emergency helicoptor rescue team known as ‘The Thunderbirds’ swung into action and evacuated her safely. It’s scary stuff out there.

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