The 2 Steves: That old black magic?
Aaargh...I think I\'ve cursed them! Last time I checked the results the TNF Kona boys were closing in on 10th place and I was getting ready to eat the humble pie Mr Watkins was doubtless baking for me...24-hours later and the team is exactly where I predicted they\'d be, in 18th place, and racing against time to make the last cut-off.
I can\'t understand what\'s happened there - they had a huge lead on the chasing pack, and how some of those teams managed to catch TNF - let alone catch them and continue on to finish so quickly - is beyond me. What seems certain is that something major has gone on in the TNF camp, the question is what...Unless, of course, the scoreboard is up to its old tricks, or some of the chasing pack have been fast-tracked round a few PCS. But that still leaves one question: will they make it through for a ranked finish...