The PowerBar Three Peaks Yacht Race
A Classic Tilman Team
Rob Howard / 27.06.2007
When Andrew Hayward and David Wolfendale ran across the line to finish on Wednesday evening and take 5th place overall for JourneyMaker, they also won the Tilman Trophy. Their win was the culmination of 2 and a half years of effort and planning, and some impressive fund raising. The team are supporting The Bendrigg Trust, who provide adventure experiences for disabled children, and last year they raised £8,600 for them. When they visited the trust this year they were told the centre needed a new climbing wall at a cost of £30,000 and decided to try and raise the money through their race … and they almost have.
“We held a dinner at the Thames Yacht Club,� said Louise Makin, “and that helped us raise a lot of the target. I think we are about £3000 short at the moment but there is still a lot to come in and we are taking pledges through our team website. I think we’ll make it.�
Their win was the result of some exemplary team work and planning. “Two and half years ago none of sailors could run, and our runners couldn’t sail, but we have taught each other enough to get by. We’re a classic Tilman team in that respect, not great at one thing but good enough at everything!�
“We set ourselves the target of winning the Tilman Trophy and last year was a try out but we came second then, and learned a huge amount, about the race, how hard it is and how important team work is.�
Both Makin and the skipper, Chris Jones, regard the race as one of the hardest sailing events, and an outstanding test of team works and tactics. “We raced the Fastnet this year,� Jones said, “but I think this is harder. The Three Peaks Yacht Race requires so much more decision making as you never know what will happen.�
“You are making compromises all the time,� said Makin. “You need to allow the runners to rest, but will sail faster with them on deck. There are hundreds of compromises like that every day.�
This year they obviously made the right choices and achieved their aim, and as a result the Bendrigg Trust will get the climbing wall.
[For the team website see]